A. Recent Research Topics


      Our present research interest mainly targets at

4G LTE-A PHY MIMO detection,

OFDM/OFDMA channel estimation/synchronization algorithms,

adaptive signal processing for RF imperfections, and

linear/nonlinear filtering methods for WSN and mobile targets localization and tracking.

We may give training courses on FPGA circuit implementation, however, the circuit design is optional to algorithm study in our present interest. 


1. Modern Wireless Commun. Technologies

We focus on improving new PHY technologies for 4G LTE-related wireless communications such as:

-         MIMO detectors: maximum likelihood detection (MLD), sphere decoder (SD), modified OSIC, and precoding MIMO techniques, etc.

-         Blind/Semi-blind space-time block codes (STBC) receivers

-         Multi-antenna technology: beamforming/interference cancellation and angle-of-arrival estimation for joint MIMO systems

-         Advanced Single Carrier technology: SC-FDMA LTE-A uplink receiver, CP-assisted BS-CDMA


2. OFDM/OFDMA Algorithms

We also study the baseline OFDM related transceiving algorithms such as:


-         ICI Mitigation for mobile time-varying OFDM channels

-         OFDM  synchronization algorithms including Carrier Frequency and Symbol Timing

-         OFDMA Multiuser synchronization and MUI/MAI cancellation

-         Clipping Noise Cancellation

-         RF related issues including pre-distortion techniques for PA compensation, IQ Imbalance, and phase noise cancellation


3. Baseband Transceiver Technology

We have good baseband transceiver design knowledge and keep going on architect and algorithm-level studies such as:

-         Direct Digital Frequency Synthesizer (DDFS)

-         Continuous Phase Modulation (CPM)

-         GFSK, pi/4-DQPSK, QAM Transceiver IP Design

-         Automatic Modulation Classification (AMC) technology


4. Multirate and Adaptive Digital Signal Processing

-         Filterbank and Multirate Transceiving Algorithms

-         Subband Adaptive Filtering

-         Noise Reduction Methods/Echo cancellation

-         Beamforming for array microphones

-         Localization and Tracking for Radar Targets and Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN)

-         Nonlinear Filtering Algorithms: Extended Kalman Filtering, Particle Filtering, and Unscented Transformation


5. Xilinx FPGA Implementation

We have already implemented the following transceivers with FPGA:

-         Cable 64-QAM Transceiver

-         2X2 STBC MIMO OFDM Transceiver

-         DVB-T Channel Estimator

-         IEEE 802.11a PHY



 B. Financial Support


1.        LTE-A 關鍵技術研究異質網路與多天線技術-子計畫三:LTE-A 系統多天線傳收技術研究 (II), 國科會 (102-2221-E-008-007-), 102/8/1~103/7/31, NT$760,000.

2.        衛星訊號辨識與解調平台設計 (兩年期), 國立中央大學前瞻科技研究中心, 102/2/1~103/10/31, NT$1,297,000.

3.        LTE-A關鍵技術研究 異質網路與多天線技術 子計畫三: LTE-A 系統多天線傳收技術研究, 國科會 (NSC 101-2221-E-008-071), 101/8/1~102/7/31, NT$660,000.

4.        用於 OFDMA 多用戶載波同步方法之 MMSE 分析與行動通道等化方法, 國科會 (NSC 100-2221-E-0008-058), 100/8/1~101/7/31, NT$688,000.

5.        衛星訊號之自動化調變辨認與訊號處理技術, 國立中央大學前瞻實驗室, 99/5/14~99/12/13, NT$591,000.

6.        提升頻寬效益之 SFBC MIMO-OFDM 無線通道估計方法, 國科會 (NSC 99-2221-E-008-053), 99/8/1~100/7/31, NT$534,000.

7.        多輸入多輸出單載波分頻多工存取系統上行鏈路之通道估計與相關傳收技術研究, 國科會 (NSC 98-2221-E-008-038), 98/8/1~99/7/31, NT$617,000.

8.        時變通道下 MIMO OFDM 之盲目通道追蹤法, 國科會 (NSC 97-2221-E-008-004), 97/8/1~98/7/31, NT$575,000.

9.        多使用者正交分頻多工行動通訊系統中基於頻譜效率分析之資源配置原理與相關傳收技術研究 - 子計畫一: 基於動態資源配置方法之上行鏈多用戶存取分頻正交多工傳收技術研究, 國科會 (NSC 96-2219-E-008-003), 96/8/1~97/7/31, NT$745,000.

10.   系統晶片技術實現數位電視廣播接收器並建立其設計平台-子計畫二:使用雜散式領航訊息之 OFDM 系統調適性通道估計演算法與硬體實現(1/3-3/3), 國科會 (NSC 93/94/95-2220-E-008-003), 93/8/1~96/7/31, NT$879,000, NT$894,000, NT$913,000.

11.   VLSI 與系統設計教育改進課程推廣計畫- FPGA 系統設計, 教育部, 93/4/1~93/12/31, NT$650,000.

12.   具適應性重建濾波器組之 OFDM 系統, 國科會 (NSC 92-2213-E-008-036), 92/8/1~93/7/31, NT$668,800.

13.   通訊科技教育改進課程推廣計畫- 無線 OFDM 系統設計, 教育部, 93/9/1~94/1/31, NT$105,000.