SCI/EI Journal Papers
- D.-C. Chang and R.-Y.
Wu, “Despread-Ahead
Cyclic-Prefix CDMA Receiver With Compressive
Sensing CIR Estimation,” IET Communications, Vol. 8, no.
8. pp.1425-1435, May 2014.
- D.-C. Chang and F.-T.
Chu, “Feedforward
Active Noise Control with a New Variable Tap-Length and Step-Size
Filtered-X LMS Algorithm,” IEEE/ACM Trans. Audio, Speech and
Language Processing, Vol. 22, no. 2, pp. 542-555, Feb. 2014.
- D.-C. Chang and M.-W.
Fan, “Bearing-Only Maneuvering Mobile
Tracking With Nonlinear Filtering Algorithms in
Wireless Sensor Networks,” IEEE Systems Journal, Vol. 8, no.1,
pp.160-170, March 2014.
- D.-C. Chang and F.-T.
Chu, “A New Variable Tap-Length and
Step-Size FxLMS Algorithm,” IEEE Signal Processing Letter, Vol.
20, no. 11, pp.1122-1125, Nov. 2013.
- D.-C. Chang and D.-L. Guo, “Spatial-Division
Multiplexing MIMO Detection Based on a Modified Layered OSIC Scheme,” IEEE
Trans. Wireless Communications, Vol. 12, no. 9, pp.4258-4271, Sept.
- W.-C. Pao, Y.-F. Chen, and D.-C. Chang, “Constant Power
Allocation Methods for SC-FDMA Systems,” IEICE Trans. Communications,
Vol. E93-B, no. 3, pp. 771-775, Mar. 2010.
- D.-C. Chang and H.-C.
Chiu, “A Stabilized Multichannel Fast RLS
Algorithm for Adaptive Transmultiplexer Receivers,” Circuits, Systems
& Signal Processing, Springer, Vol. 28, no. 6, pp.845-867, Dec.
- D.-C. Chang, “Least Squares/Maximum Likelihood Methods for
the Decision-Aided GFSK Receiver,” IEEE Signal Processing Letters,
Vol. 16, no. 6, pp. 517-520, June 2009.
- D.-C. Chang, “Effect and Compensation of Symbol
Timing Offset in OFDM Systems With Channel
Interpolation,” IEEE Trans. Broadcasting, Vol. 54, no. 4,
pp.761-770, Dec. 2008.
- D.-C. Chang, W.-R. Wu,
and D.-L. Lee, “A Multicarrier Communication System with the Adaptive Transmultiplexer Receiver,” International Journal
of Electrical Engineering, Vol. 14, no. 6, pp.409-420, Dec. 2007.
- W.-T. Lin and D.-C.
Chang, “Adaptive Carrier Synchronization
Using Decision-Aided Kalman Filtering Algorithms,” IEEE Trans.
Consumer Electronics, Vol. 53, no. 4, pp. 1260-1267, Nov. 2007.
- D.-C. Chang, W. -T. Lin,
and Y.-F. Chen, “Kalman Carrier Recovery
Algorithm for High-Order QAM,” IEICE Trans. Communications, Vol.
E89-B, no. 11, pp. 3117-3119, Dec. 2006.
- D.-C. Chang and W.-R.
Wu, “Maneuvering Target Tracking with
High-Order Correlated Noise – A Multirate Kalman Filtering Approach,” Wireless
Personal Communications, Springer, Vol. 17, No. 1, pp.103-123, Apr.
- D.-C. Chang and W.-R.
Wu, “A Feedback Median Filter for Robust
Preprocessing of Glint Noise,” IEEE Trans. Aerospace and Electronic
Systems, Vol-36, No. 4, pp.1026-1035, Oct. 2000.
- D.-C. Chang and W.-R.
Wu, “Image Contrast Enhancement Based on a
Histogram Transformation of Local Standard Deviation,” IEEE Trans.
Medical Imaging, Vol-17, No. 4, pp. 518-531, Aug. 1998.
- D.-C. Chang and W.-R.
Wu, “Adaptive Filter Bank Reconstruction
Using Fast Multichannel RLS Algorithms”, IEE Electronics Letters,
vol.34, no.12, pp.1213-14, June 1998.
- W.-R. Wu and D.-C.
Chang, “Maneuvering Target Tracking with
Colored Noise,” IEEE Trans. Aerospace and Electronic Systems,
Vol-32, No. 4, pp. 1311-1320, Oct. 1996.
B. Conference Papers
- D.-C. Chang and M.-W.
Fang, “Interacting Multiple Model Particle Filtering Using New Particle
Resampling Algorithm,” IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM
2014), Austin, TX, Dec. 2014.
- D.-C. Chang, “Localization
of Moving Terminals with Nonlinear Angle-of-Arrival Estimation Methods,” IEEE
11th VTS Asia Pacific Wireless Communications Symposium (APWCS 2014), Ping Tung,
Taiwan, Aug. 2014
- D.-C. Chang and M.-W.
Fang, “AOA Target Tracking with New IMM PF Algorithm,” IEEE 57th Int'l
Midwest Symposium on Circuits & Systems (MWSCAS 2014), College
Station, TX, Aug. 2014.
- D.-C. Chang and F.-T.
Chu, “Active Noise Cancellation With a New
Variable Tap Length and Step Size FXLMS Algorithm,” IEEE International
Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME 2013), San Jose, CA, July
2013. (acceptance rate: 30%, 622 submissions) (Best Paper Award Candidate)
- D.-C. Chang, “The MIMO
OFDM Receiver with Mismatched Transmit Carrier Frequency Offsets,” 12th
International Conference on ITS Telecommunications, Taipei, Nov. 2012.
- P. Shih and D.-C. Chang,
“An Automatic Modulation Classification Technique Using High-Order
Statistics for Multipath Fading Channels,” Workshop on Transceiver
Design for ITS in conjunction with 11th International Conference on
ITS Telcommunications, Saint-Petersburg,
Russia, Aug. 2011.
- D.-C. Chang, C.-M. Wu
and C.-S. Lin, “Modified CMA Method and Implementation for Time-Varying
OFDM Channel Estimation,” Workshop on Transceiver Design for ITS in
conjunction with 11th International Conference on ITS Telcommunications, Saint-Petersburg, Russia, Aug.
- C.-P. Tsu and D.-C. Chang, “Modulation Classification for M-ary CPM Signals,” IEEE International Conference on
Computer Communications and Networks (ICCCN 2011), Maui, Hawaii,
July-Aug. 2011. (acceptance rate: 29%, 450+ submissions)
- D.-C. Chang and S.-K.
Wang, “Modified Decision Feedback Channel Estimation Method for Mobile
OFDM Systems,” IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications
and Networks (ICCCN 2011), Maui, Hawaii, July-Aug. 2011. (acceptance
rate: 29%, 450+ submissions)
- D.-C. Chang, R.-Y. Wu,
and Y.-F. Chen, “A Decision Feedback CP-Assisted CDMA Scheme Using Despreading Before Equalization,” IEEE
International Conference on Communication (ICC 2011), Kyoto, Japan,
June 2011. (acceptance rate: 38.5%, 2838 submissions)
- C.-C. Cheng, D.-C.
Chang, and Y.-F. Chen, “Modified Decision Feedback Method for Mobile OFDM
Channel Estimation,” 21st Annual IEEE International Symposium on Personal,
Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC 2010), Istanbul, Turkey,
Sep. 2010. (acceptance rate: 45.4%)
- D.-C. Chang and T.-H.
Li, “MMSE Solution for OFDMA Systems with Carrier Frequency Offset
Correction,” IEEE 71th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC
2010-Spring), Taipei, Taiwan, May 2010. (acceptance rate: 46%, 1203
- D.-C. Chang and Y.-C.
Hsu, “ICI Compensation for Interleaved OFDMA with Carrier Frequency
Offsets,” IEEE International Symposium on Broadband Multimedia Systems
and Broadcasting (BMSB 2010), Shanghai, China, Mar. 2010. (acceptance
rate: 61%, 163 submissions)
- D.-C. Chang, Y.-H. Lai,
and Y.-L. Lai, “Interleaved OFDMA Systems with Adaptive Common Carrier
Frequency Offset Correction,” IEEE International Conference on Communications,
Circuits and Systems (ICCCAS 2009), San Jose, CA, USA, July 2009.
- D.-C. Chang, Y.-H. Lai,
and Y.-C. Hsu, “Effect of Common Carrier Frequency Offset at the OFDMA
Receiver,” 2009 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems
(ISCAS 2009), Taipei, Taiwan, May 2009. (acceptance rate: 45%, 1600+
- W.-C. Pao, H.-C. Chiu, D.-C. Chang, and Y.-F. Chen,
“Recursive Parameter Estimation for Regression Channel Model in
Pilot-Aided OFDM Systems,” IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking
Conference (WCNC 2009), Budapest, Hungary, Apr. 2009. (acceptance
rate: 46%, 1195 submissions)
- S.-K. Wang and D.-C.
Chang, “Pilot-Aided Channel Estimation Methods for ICI Reduction in Mobile
OFDM Systems,” IEEE Consumer Communications and Networking Conference
(CCNC 2009), Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, Jan. 2009. (acceptance rate: 35.6%,
674 submissions)
- C.-W. Huang, S.-R. Wang,
T.-H. Li, Y.-C. Hsu, and D.-C. Chang, “Design of a WLAN OFDM System with
Semi-Blind Channel Tracking,” The19th VLSI Design/CAD Symposium, Kenting, Taiwan, Aug. 2008.
- S.-H. Lee, C.-C. Cheng,
and D.-C. Chang, “Modified Decision Feedback Methods for OFDM Channel
Tracking,” IEEE International Conference on Communications, Circuits
and Systems (ICCCAS 2008), Xiamen, China, May 2008.
- L.-W. Hsu and D.-C.
Chang, “Design of a 2X2 MIMO OFDM Transceiver with Correction of Different
Carrier Frequency Offsets at Transmitter Antennas,” The 18th VLSI
Design/CAD Symposium, Hualien, Taiwan, Aug.
- H.-C Chiu and D.-C.
Chang, “Model-Based Channel Estimation for OFDM With
Adaptive Model Parameter Estimation,” IEEE 4th VTS Asia Pacific
Wireless Communications Symposium (APWCS 2007), Hsinchu,
Taiwan, Aug. 2007.
- C.-C Cheng and D.-C.
Chang, “Improved Time-Domain Channel Tracking Algorithms for Mobile OFDM
Applications,” IEEE 4th VTS Asia Pacific Wireless Communications
Symposium (APWCS 2007), Hsinchu, Taiwan,
Aug. 2007.
- D.-C. Chang and T.-H. Shiu, “Digital GFSK Carrier Synchronization,”2006
IEEE Asia Pacific Conference on Circuits and Systems (APCCAS 2006),
Singapore, Dec. 4-7, 2006.
- D.-C. Chang and D.-L.
Lee, “Prototype Filter Design for a Cosine-Modulated Filterbank
Transmultiplexer,” 2006 IEEE Asia Pacific
Conference on Circuits and Systems (APCCAS 2006), Singapore, Dec. 4-7,
- D.-C. Chang and W.-T.
Lin, “A Decision-Aided Carrier Recovery Method With
the New Low Complexity MMSE Algorithm,” 6th IEEE International
Conference on Electro/Information Technology (EIT 2006), East Lansing,
MI USA, May 7-10, 2006. (Best Paper Award)
- Z.-S. Lin, T.-L. Hong,
and D.-C. Chang, “Design of an OFDM System With Long Frame by the
Decision-Aided Channel Tracking Algorithm,” 6th IEEE International
Conference on Electro/Information Technology (EIT 2006), East Lansing , MI USA, May 7-10, 2006.
- D.-C. Chang, “Analysis
and Compensation of Channel Correction in Pilot-Aided OFDM Systems With
Symbol Timing Offset,” 6th IEEE International Conference on
Electro/Information Technology (EIT 2006), East Lansing, MI USA, May
7-10, 2006.
- W.-T. Lin and D.-C.
Chang, “The Extended Kalman Filtering Algorithm
for Carrier Synchronization and Implementation,” 2006 IEEE
International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS 2006), Island
of Kos, Greece, May 21-24, 2006.
- D.-C. Chang and D.-L.
Lee, “An Adaptive Transmultiplexer by Fast RLS
Algorithms and its Applications to Multicarrier Communications,” IEEE
International Conference on Communication (ICC 2006), Istanbul,
Turkey, June 2006.
- W.-T. Lin and D.-C.
Chang, “Design of a QAM Receiver With the Kalman Algorithm for Adaptive Carrier
Synchronization,” 12th IEEE International Conference on Electronics,
Circuits and Systems (ICECS 2005), Gammarth,
Tunisia, Dec. 2005.
- L.-W. Hsu and D.-C.
Chang, “Design of Direct Digital Frequency Synthesizer With
High ROM Compression Ratio,” 12th IEEE International Conference on
Electronics, Circuits and Systems (ICECS 2005), Gammarth,
Tunisia, Dec. 2005.
- W.-T. Lin and D.-C.
Chang, “Adaptive Carrier Synchronization for Cable QAM Receivers Using Kalman Filtering Techniques,” International
Symposium on Communications (ISCOM 2005), Kaoshiung,
Taiwan, Nov. 2005.
- J.-Y. Peng, L.-W. Hsu,
and D.-C. Chang, “A MIMO-OFDM System for WLANs,” International
Symposium on Communications (ISCOM 2005), Kaoshiung,
Taiwan, Nov. 2005.
- C.-H. Huang, S.-C. Chen,
and D.-C. Chang, “A Study on Joint Effect of Synchronization and channel
Estimation in the DVB-T Receiver,” International Symposium on
Communications (ISCOM 2005), Kaoshiung,
Taiwan, Nov. 2005.
- F.-T. Chien, C.-H. Hwang, C.-C. Kuo,
and D.-C. Chang, “Performance of Asynchronous Long-Code Multicarrier CDMA
Systems in the Presence of Correlated Fading and Inter-carrier
Interference,” IEEE International Conference on Communication (ICC
2003), Anchorage, Alaska, May. 2003.
- Y.-F. Chen, W.-D. Weng, C.-H. Liu, and D.-C. Chang, “The Design of an
OFDM-CDMA Cable Modem,” Workshop on Consumer Electronics (WCE
2002), Hsinchu, Taiwan, Dec. 2002.
- C.-H. Liu and D.-C.
Chang, “The Advanced Cable Modem Transceiver Design by the OFDM/CDMA
Technology,” 2002 National Symposium on Telecommunications, PuLi, Taiwan, Dec. 2002.
- D.-C. Chang, “Cable
Modem Transceiver Systems and the Design in CCL for MCNS DOCSIS,” COTEC
2000, pp. P-6 – P-14, Taipei, Taiwan, October 4-6, 2000.
- D.-C. Chang, W.-R. Wu, “Multirate Kalman Synthesis
Filtering for Target Tracking with High-order AR Colored Noise,” International
Symposium on Communications (ISCOM’99), Kaohsiung, Taiwan, 1999.
- D.-C. Chang, W.-R. Wu,
“The Adaptive Transmultiplexer Using
Multichannel Fast RLS Algorithms,” International Symposium on
Communications (ISCOM’99), Kaohsiung, Taiwan, 1999.
- D.-C. Chang, W.-R. Wu,
and J.-H. Jeng, “An Architecture of Ultrasonic
Scan Conversion for Implementing the Cubic Convolution Interpolation,” IEEE
1997 Medical Imaging Conference, Albuqerque,
New Mexico, November 9-15, 1997.
- D.-C. Chang and W.-R.
Wu, “Image Contrast Enhancement Based on a Local Standard Deviation
Model,” IEEE 1996 Medical Imaging Conference, Anaheim, CA, November
6-9, 1996.
- W.-R. Wu and D.-C.
Chang, “Target Tracking by Using the Median Filter as a Preprocessor,”
The 7th International Conference on Signal Processing Applications
& Technology (ICSPAT’96), Boston, Mass, October 7-10, 1996.
- W.-R. Wu and D.-C.
Chang, “Preprocessing Techniques for Maneuvering Target Tracking,” International
Symposium on Communications (ISCOM’93), Hsinchu,
Taiwan, 1993.
- W.-R. Wu and D.-C.
Chang, “Maneuvering Target Tracking with Colored Noise and Unknown
Parameters,” International Symposium on Communications (ISCOM’93), Hsinchu, Taiwan, 1993.